Shards Vue


    Input Groups

    Using the <d-input-group> component you can easily extend form controls by adding various elements such as text, buttons and button groups.

    Basic Input Groups

        <!-- Using Props -->
        <d-input-group prepend="$" class="mb-2">
            <d-input placeholder="Total Amount"/>
        <!-- Using Slots -->
        <d-input-group class="mb-2">
            <d-input placeholder="Total Amount"/>
            <d-input-group-text slot="append">$</d-input-group-text>
        <!-- Using Components -->
        <d-input-group prepend="">
            <d-input placeholder="username" />
            <d-input-group-addon append>
                <d-btn theme="secondary">Check</d-btn>
    <!-- input-group-1.vue -->

    Prepending and Appending via Props

    The simplest way of attaching addons to your inputs would be by using the prepend or append props on the <d-input-group> component.

    <d-input-group prepend="Total Amount" append=".00 (USD)" class="mb-2">
    <!-- input-group-2.vue -->

    Using Named Slots

    If you'd like better control over your input group's contents, you can also use the prepend or append slots.

        <d-input-group-text slot="prepend">Total Amount</d-input-group-text>
        <d-input placeholder="Total Amount"/>
        <d-input-group-text slot="append">$</d-input-group-text>
    <!-- input-group-3.vue -->

    Using Input Group Addons

    You can also use the <d-input-group-addon> component with the append or prepend props for more flexibility.

    <d-input-group class="mb-2">
        <d-input-group-addon prepend>
            <d-btn outline theme="danger">Delete</d-btn>
        <d-input placeholder="Email Address"/>
        <d-input-group-addon append>
            <d-btn outline theme="success">Create</d-btn>
    <!-- input-group-4.vue -->

    Input Group Dropdowns

    Note: Using dropdowns inside input groups are currently not supported, but available on the roadmap.

      <d-input-group prepend="Username">
        <d-form-input />
        <d-input-group-addon append>
            <d-dropdown text="Dropdown" variant="success">
            <d-dropdown-item>Action A</d-dropdown-item>
            <d-dropdown-item>Action B</d-dropdown-item>
    <!-- input-group-4.vue -->

    Plain Checkboxes and Radios

        <d-col lg="6">
            <d-input-group-text slot="prepend">
                <input type="checkbox" aria-label="Checkbox for following text input">
            <d-form-input type="text" aria-label="Text input with checkbox" />
        <d-col lg="6">
            <d-input-group-text slot="prepend">
                <input type="radio" aria-label="Radio for following text input">
            <d-form-input type="text" aria-label="Text input with radio button" />
    <!-- input-group-5.vue -->


    You can control the sizing of the <d-input-group> component using the size prop with the sm value for small input groups and lg for large input groups.

        <!-- Small -->
        <d-input-group prepend="$" class="mb-2" size="sm">
            <d-input placeholder="Total Amount"/>
        <!-- Normal -->
        <d-input-group prepend="$" class="mb-2">
            <d-input placeholder="Total Amount"/>
        <!-- Large -->
        <d-input-group prepend="$" class="mb-2" size="lg">
            <d-input placeholder="Total Amount"/>
    <!-- input-group-6.vue -->

    Seamless Input Groups

    You can create seamless input groups using the seamless prop.

    <d-input-group seamless>
        <d-input-group-text slot="prepend">
            <fa :icon="['fas', 'dollar-sign']" />
        <d-input placeholder="Total Amount"/>
    <!-- input-group-7.vue -->


    :idThe element id.StringnullFalse
    :sizeThe input group size.StringnullFalse
    :prependThe prepend value.StringnullFalse
    :appendThe append value.StringnullFalse
    :seamlessWhether it should be seamless, or not.BooleanfalseFalse
    :tagThe element tag.String"div"False


    The following subcomponents are available for the <d-input-group/> component:


    :idThe element ID.StringnullFalse
    :tagThe element tag.String"div"False
    :appendThe append value.BooleanfalseFalse
    :prependThe prepend value.BooleanfalseFalse
    :is-textWhether is plain-text, or not.BooleanfalseFalse


    :tagThe element tag.String"div"False