Shards Vue



    Alerts allow you to display contextual feedback for various user actions.

    Basic Alerts

    Alerts come in various contextual theme colors

        <d-alert show>Alert - Primary Theme (default) - <a class="alert-link" href="#">Example Link</a></d-alert>
        <d-alert theme="secondary" show>Alert - Secondary Theme - <a class="alert-link" href="#">Example Link</a></d-alert>
        <d-alert theme="success" show>Alert - Success Theme - <a class="alert-link" href="#">Example Link</a></d-alert>
        <d-alert theme="danger" show>Alert - Danger Theme - <a class="alert-link" href="#">Example Link</a></d-alert>
        <d-alert theme="warning" show>Alert - Warning Theme - <a class="alert-link" href="#">Example Link</a></d-alert>
        <d-alert theme="info" show>Alert - Info Theme - <a class="alert-link" href="#">Example Link</a></d-alert>
        <d-alert theme="light" show>Alert - Light Theme - <a class="alert-link" href="#">Example Link</a></d-alert>
        <d-alert theme="dark" show>Alert - Dark Theme - <a class="alert-link" href="#">Example Link</a></d-alert>
    <!-- alerts-1.vue -->

    Dismissible Alerts

    Dismissible alerts provide the option to hide the alert with a close X button.

    Dismissible alert example

        <d-alert show dismissible>You can easily dismiss me using the <strong>close</strong> button &rarr;</d-alert>
    <!-- alerts-2.vue -->

    Self Dismissing Alerts

    You can also control how much time an alert is visible by providing a Number in seconds for the show prop.

    Auto dismissible alert example.

        <d-alert dismissible
                 @alert-dismissed="timeUntilDismissed = 0"
            <b>Success!</b> This alert will will be dismissed in {{ timeUntilDismissed }} seconds!
        <d-btn @click="showAlert">
          Show Alert!
    export default {
      data () {
        return {
          duration: 5,
          timeUntilDismissed: 0
      methods: {
        handleTimeChange (time) {
          this.timeUntilDismissed = time
        showAlert () {
          this.timeUntilDismissed = this.duration
    <!-- alerts-3.vue -->


    :themeAlert color theme.String"primary"False
    :dismissibleWhether the alert is dismissible, or not.BooleanfalseFalse
    :dismiss-labelDismiss button label.String"Close"False
    :showShow state or duration.Boolean | Number | StringfalseFalse


    @alert-dismiss-countdownAlert dismiss countdown event.
    @alert-dismissedAlert dismissed event.