Shards React
Shards React

Shards React


Form Input

The form input allows you to create various text style inputs such as text, password, email, number, url, search and more.

Form Input

The FormInput component is a text input by default. However, you can set its type prop to one of the supported types as well: password, email, number, url, tel, search, date, datetime, datetime-local, month, week, time.

import React from "react";
import { FormInput } from "shards-react";

export default function FormInputExample() {
  return <FormInput placeholder="My form input" />;


Using the size prop, you can change the input size as small (sm) or large (lg).

import React from "react";
import { FormInput } from "shards-react";

export default function FormInputSizeExample() {
  return (
      <FormInput size="sm" placeholder="Small input" className="mb-2" />
      <FormInput placeholder="Normal input" className="mb-2" />
      <FormInput size="lg" placeholder="Large input" />

Validation States

Using the valid or invalid props you can control the input's validation state.

import React from "react";
import { FormInput } from "shards-react";

export default function FormValidationStateExample() {
  return (
      <FormInput placeholder="I'm neutral" className="mb-2" />
      <FormInput valid placeholder="I'm valid" className="mb-2" />
      <FormInput invalid placeholder="I'm invalid" />


The following props are available for the Form Input component.

classNameThe class name.String-No
childrenThe children nodes.Node-No
inlineWhether it is inline, or not.Bool-No
typeThe input type.Enum-No
plaintextWhether it is plaintext, or not.Bool-No
sizeThe input's size.String-No
validWhether it is valid, or not.Bool-No
invalidWhether it is invalid, or not.Bool-No
innerRefThe inner ref.ObjectFuncString-No