Shards Vue


    Button Groups

    Button groups allow you to group buttons together on a single line.

    Basic Example

    You can create button groups using the <d-button-group> component.

    Default button group

    <!-- button-group-1.vue -->

    Button Group Size

    The button group's size can be controlled via the size prop. The button group can be normal (default with no value), small or large.

        <!-- Large Button Group -->
        <d-button-group size="large" class="mr-2">
        <!-- Normal Button Group -->
        <d-button-group class="mr-2">
        <!-- Small Button Group -->
        <d-button-group size="small">
    <!-- button-group-3.vue -->

    Vertical Button Group

    You can stack button groups vertically using the vertical prop.

    <d-button-group vertical>
        <d-button>Button 1</d-button>
        <d-button>Button 2</d-button>
    <!-- button-group-3.vue -->


    The <d-button-group> component is also aliased as <d-btn-group>.


    :verticalWhether it is a vertical button group, or not.BooleanfalseFalse
    :sizeThe button group size.StringnullFalse
    :aria-roleThe button group's aria role.String"group"False
    :aria-labelThe button group's aria label.String"Button group"False